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How We Help

Accountants count beans, Finance Director’s grow gardens

Image of female business owner looking for finance director

Support is out there to help you grow and develop your business

Many businesses are not aware that part-time Finance Directors can help them through a period of uncertainty, or help business owners realise the investment within their business.

They may well think that their accountants or bookkeepers are giving them the information they need to make the right decisions at the right time, without realising there are better more cost-effective solutions available.

At FD Executive Solutions we support organisations without a full time Finance Director, either as they don’t feel they need or cannot afford a full-time resource.

However, engaging a part-time resource delivers larger company financial expertise, making it available to organisations of any size.

We do this by accessing our network of experienced Portfolio Finance Directors. These individuals are qualified from one of four major UK accounting institutes, have held Finance Director roles in a variety of company sizes, industries, and sectors for a significant number of years.

They bring their expertise and experience, combined with an entrepreneurial mindset to make a significant difference to your business. They are used to working across multiple organisations and balancing a variety of workloads to ensure they continue to deliver a quality service.

We have a unique approach to providing our finance services

In general terms, we work under a 9-point plan which has been crafted over many years.

These nine individual areas of review are on the domain of the finance department and contribute significantly to the engine room of an organisation, providing the power and speed to progress.

The nine points are split into three areas where our part-time FD’s influence: Strategic, Operational and Support.


FD’s operate at Board level.

They provide support and guidance to a senior management team to enable them to make better, more informed and reliable decisions.

It is the role of a Senior Management team to develop and implement the strategic goals set by shareholders, and it is the FD’s responsibility to ensure the relevant processes are not only in place but understood by the organisation.

They are generally the MD’s or CEO’s right-hand person and will work hand in hand to ensure personal objectives are achieved.


FD’s support operations.

They won’t do the operational detail themselves but will ensure the finance department is functioning well and doing the role of helping to drive the business in a positive manner.

They will guide team members to ensure reporting on cash and financials are issued promptly and accurately, costs are effectively managed and correct procedures and processes are in place to safeguard the assets of the organisation.


FD’s provide extra bandwidth.

They take responsibility for managing external relationships with advisors such as banks and accountants, allowing more time for senior people to concentrate on their own roles, and the roles that add value to the business.

They take responsibility for improving systems and processes, ensuring an organisation is better placed to face its future challenges.


These are some of the common questions we get asked before engagement. 

My bank wants to see my plan but I don’t have one

One of our Financial Directors will help produce an effective, future roadmap with clear actions and costed.

These are broken down into annual budgets so progress and performance can be properly assessed and reviewed.

This would happen under “Strategic Planning” of our 9-point plan.

I want to sell my business soon, but I have no idea what it is worth?

Ensuring the right financial foundations are in place to support succession is what our Financial Directors will do.

We help develop and implement the right management team structures to ensure a smooth financial and managerial transition to a new owner ownership structure.

This would happen under “Exit Planning” of our 9-point plan.

I don’t know what options are available to fund my expansion

Our FD’s help you get an understanding of the best ways to obtain future funds and by what method.

This would happen under “Strategic Funding” of our 9-point plan.

I don’t understand why my costs keep going up and my income down

A continual review of all costs as well as experience led improvement suggestions will take place by our Finance Directors.

This would happen under “Cost Control & Review” of our 9-point plan.

We are making record profits, but we have no money in the bank

One of our Finance Director will take time to understand the current and future cash positions on a regular basis.

This would happen under “Cashflow and Working Capital Management” of our 9-point plan.

We do not have any recent management figures

Our Finance Directors work with you to produce accurate, timely reporting of financials, including future performance indicators to show the ongoing organisation direction.

This would happen under “Financial Reporting” of our 9-point plan.

My family are suffering as I never see them - I am working 24 / 7

This is more common than most people think , we perform an ongoing review, updating and implementing of proper financial controls and processes.

This would happen under “Risk Management and Controls” of our 9-point plan.

I never have enough time to get everything done - I am so stressed it is affecting my health

Systems and process improvements to drive productivity and better information management. Our Finance Directors take the headache away from you.

This would happen under “Systems and Process Improvement” of our 9-point plan.

The bank wants more information, surely they can see we have problems/need money/are reliable etc.

Our Finance Directors take away this hassle. They manage all external relationships as appropriate releasing senior people to concentrate on key roles.

This would happen under “External Relationships” of our 9-point plan.